Holiday at Home is an attempt to photograph things in my own country as if I were a tourist. Windmills, churches and other stuff that I would certainly have photographed if I were anything other than Dutch and was visiting the Netherlands. |
I like to photograph plants. They are easy to focus on, do not tend to move (except by wind), and often have flowers that please the eye. |
People are also very interesting to photograph. They are more difficult subjects than plants, as they move around and sometimes refuse to have their picture taken. |
Animals are even worse to photograph than people. You have to chase them, and then they will not stand still. Enticing them with food sometimes helps. |
Here is the other stuff that I will almost certainly split up again, once I see a new subject that I have taken enough pictures of. |
Trash is great! It is bright and colorful and yet in decay and no longer wanted. There is lots of it and it creates a very picturesque environment. |
I made the resolution to start the year 2004 by photographing fireworks and kept it. |